Amazon Stats
If you're interested in selling on Amazon, these stats are worth noting:
Approximately 88% of Amazon shoppers said the promise of free shipping is why they shop with Amazon
The avg Amazon customer earns more than $100K, is between 45 and 54 years old and is married; more than 80% own their own home, and more than 50% have a net worth of $500K or more
Other key factors that affect why shoppers choose Amazon include its credit offering, the ease of its return policy, the notion that Amazon is a "one-stop shop," and the availability of 2-day or next-day shipping.
Research found that the top 1% of Amazon Prime members spend more than $3,200 annually. That's an average of 19 transactions, with an average transaction value of about $171. The top 1% of Amazon shoppers who are not Prime members spend roughly $2,560 in about seven transactions a year worth an average of $151.